
бесплатно имя прилагательное:
бесплатный (free, unpaid, gratis, chargeless, buckshee, zoom)
свободный (free, spare, loose, leisure, easy, vacant)
вольный (free, liberal, licentious)
открытый (open, uncovered, opened, public, exposed, free)
добровольный (voluntary, volunteer, willing, free, unasked, unconstrained)
освобожденный (liberated, released, freed, exempt, free, manumitted)
лишенный (devoid, bereft, void, free, destitute, deficient)
независимый (Independent, irrespective, autonomous, detached, free, sovereign)
доступный (available, accessible, approachable, obtainable, Open, free)
несвязанный (unrelated, unconnected, untied, free, loose, detached)
незанятый (unoccupied, idle, unemployed, vacant, free, open)
непринужденный (informal, unconstrained, unforced, easy, natural, free)
без принуждения (free)
естественный (natural, native, effortless, free, unconstrained, inartificial)
привольный (free)
незакрепленный (free)
щедрый (generous, lavish, handsome, bountiful, large, free)
раздольный (free)
откровенный (Frank, explicit, outspoken, open, forthright, free)
обильный (abundant, heavy, rich, copious, hearty, free)
освобожденный от оплаты (free)
неприличный (indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, free)
распущенный (licentious, libertine, dissolute, dissipated, disorderly, free)
находящийся на свободе (free)
не стесненный правилами (free)
широкий по смыслу (free)
бесплатно (free, free of charge, gratis, buckshee)
свободно (free, freely, loose, loosely, easily, naturally)
даром (free, for nothing, in vain, gratis, free of charge, for nought)
освобождать (rid, free, exempt, loose, release, liberate)
высвобождать (liberate, free, disentangle, disengage)
выпростать (free, work, work free of, work loose)
выпускать на свободу (free)
выпускать (produce, release, let out, let go, issue, free)
имя существительное:
выходной (day off, free, off-time)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "free" в других словарях:

  • Free — (fr[=e]), a. [Compar. {Freer} ( [ e]r); superl. {Freest} ( [e^]st).] [OE. fre, freo, AS. fre[ o], fr[=i]; akin to D. vrij, OS. & OHG. fr[=i], G. frei, Icel. fr[=i], Sw. & Dan. fri, Goth. freis, and also to Skr. prija beloved, dear, fr. pr[=i] to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Free — may refer to: Free will Political freedom Economic freedom Something given or supplied without payment (gratis) Gratis versus Libre, the distinction between the two meanings above Free may also refer to: Contents 1 Arts and philosophy …   Wikipedia

  • Free-mo — stands for free modular and is a relatively new modular standard in the hobby of model railroading.Free mo is a derivation of FREMO, a European modular standard. Free mo s emphasis is on flexibility in track design and prototypical scenery and… …   Wikipedia

  • — Free (société) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Free. Logo de Free Dates clés 1999 : accès …   Wikipédia en Français

  • free — [frē] adj. freer, freest [ME fre < OE freo, not in bondage, noble, glad, illustrious, akin to Ger frei, Du vrij < IE base * prei , to be fond of, hold dear > FRIEND, Sans priyá , dear, desired] 1. a) not under the control of some other… …   English World dictionary

  • free — 1 adj 1 a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen representatives...shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons U.S. Constitution art. I b: enjoying civil and political liberty a free people c: enjoying political …   Law dictionary

  • free — free; free·boot; free·boot·er; free·dom; free·dom·ism; free·dom·ist; free·dom·is·tic; free·dom·ite; free·hold·er; free·lage; free·ly; free·man; free·mar·tin; free·ma·son; free·ma·son·ry; free·ness; free·sia; free·styl·er; free·wheel·er; un·free;… …   English syllables

  • .free — Introduced Not officially introduced; proposed in 2010 TLD type Proposed top level domain Status Unofficial proposal Registry dotFree Group s.r.o. Sponsor dotFree Group s.r.o Intended use …   Wikipedia

  • free — adj Free, independent, sovereign, autonomous, autarchic, autarkic are comparable when they mean not subject to the rule or control of another. The same differences in implications and connotations are found in their corresponding nouns freedom,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • free — (izg. frȋ) prid. <indekl.> DEFINICIJA 1. trg. koji je bez obaveza, dopušten, na kojem nema zapreka, koji nije vezan, kojeg ništa ne sprečava u djelovanju; slobodan, usp. franko 2. pravn. ekon. dio klauzule obveznih ugovora ili ponuda,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • free — [adj1] without charge chargeless, comp*, complimentary, costless, for love*, for nothing*, freebie*, free of cost, free ride*, gratis, gratuitous, handout, on the cuff*, on the house*, paper*, unpaid, unrecompensed; concept 334 Ant. costly,… …   New thesaurus

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